Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
World Summit on Data Science and Machine Learning, will be organized around the theme “Insights in the world of data science”
DATASCIENCE CONGRESS 2023 is comprised of 11 tracks and 3 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in DATASCIENCE CONGRESS 2023.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Data science is the subject of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to bring out meaningful insights from data. Data science exponents apply machine learning algorithms to numbers, text, figure, video, audio, and more to manufacture artificial intelligence (AI) systems to perform tasks that ordinarily needed human intelligence. In turn, these systems create insights which analysts and business users can translate into tangible business value.
- Track 1-1Machine Learning Algorithms
- Track 1-2Artificial Intelligence
- Track 1-3Human Intelligence
Machine learning is a supplication of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and better from happening without being exact programmed. Machine learning is center of attention the expansion of computer programs that can approach data and use it to learn for individually. The process of learning starts with observations or data, such as examples, shortest experience, or instruction, in order to look for plan in data and make better decisions in the future founded on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to allow the computers learn automatically without human interfere and adjust actions accordingly.
- Track 2-1Supervised learning
- Track 2-2Unsupervised learning
- Track 2-3Reinforcement learning
Automated thinking is the data performed by machines or software decorated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence showed by humans and another animal. AI examination is amazingly, particular and focus, and is essentially isolated into subfields that a considerable part of the time hatred to chat with each other. It solidifies mannered Creative capacity, Artificial Neural Structures, Adaptive Systems, Cybernetics and Knowledge sharing
- Track 3-1Artificial neural networks
- Track 3-2Cybernetics
- Track 3-3Automated Thinking
Robotics may be a field that deals with manufacturing humanoid machines which will act like humans and perform some steps like citizenry. Now, robots can act like humans in firm circumstances, but can they trust like humans as well, this is frequently where AI comes in! AI allows robots to act discreetly in firm situations. These robots could also be ready to work out problems during a restricted sphere or perhaps learn in controlled environments
- Track 4-1Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Track 4-2Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Big Data Analytics probe and inspect huge amounts of big data to uncover hidden drawings, unknown co-relations, market trends, customer preferences and other functional details that can help organizations make more knowledgeable business decisions. Operate and transfer by differentiated analytics systems and software, big data analytics can lay the way to various business benefits, including new income chances, more effective marketing, improved operational ability, competitive advantages and senior customer service
- Track 5-1Big Data Veracity
- Track 5-2Marketing
Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to cause, process, store, recover, and exchange all kinds of electronic data and information. IT is generally used within the factor of business operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies IT is considered to be a subset of information and communications technology (ICT). An information technology system (IT system) is generally an information system, a conveying system, or, more clearly speaking, a computer system including all hardware, software, and outlying equipment. The word is commonly utilized as an equivalent word for PCs and PC systems; however it also includes other data allocation advances, for instance, TV and phones. A few things or administrations interior an economy are related with data alteration, including PC equipment, programming, hardware, photonic, web, and internet business
- Track 6-1Information and Communication Technology
- Track 6-2Hardware and Software
The real Data mining task is the self-loader or programmed examination of huge amounts of information to separate beforehand unclear, captivating, for example, meetings of information records (group investigation), unusual records (asymmetry discovery), and constrains (affiliation rule mining, consecutive example mining). This normally includes utilizing database methods, for example, dimensional files. These examples would then be able to be viewed as a sort of outline of the information, and may be utilized in further investigation or, for example, in AI and prognostic examination. For example, the information mining step may differentiate different gatherings in the information, which would then be able to be utilized to acquire progressively exact forecast results by a choice emotionally supportive network
- Track 7-1Information Mining
- Track 7-2Dimensional Files
The execution of Data Science to any problem requires a set of skills. Machine Learning is a crucial part of this skill set. For doing Data Science, you must know the numerous Machine Learning algorithms used for responding different types of problems, as a single algorithm cannot be the best for all types of use examples. These algorithms find a supplication in various tasks like prediction, classification, meeting, etc. from the dataset under deliberation
- Track 8-1Clustering
- Track 8-2Logistic Regression
Data visualization and presentation both are an art and a science. It is seen as a part of describing measurements by a few, yet in inclusion as a grounded theory improvement device by others. Expanded measures of information constructed by Internet movement and an expanding number of detectors in the earth are alluded to as "large information" or Internet of things. Preparing, breaking down and carrying these information present moral and logical difficulties for information visualization. The field of information science and professionals called information examiner help address this test
- Track 9-1Graphical Representation
Coding and Data Science can be used for structuring websites, data analysis, machine learning, structuring data pipelines, visualization, and much more. As an aspiring data scientist, your goal with commanding to code will be Read and note data from different derivations. Work on different data types Coding, sometimes called computer programming, is how we transfer with computers. Code tells a computer what activities to take, and writing code is like creating a set of instructs. By learning to write code, you can tell computers what to do or how to act in a much fast way. You can use this skill to create websites and apps, method data, and do plenty of other cool things.
- Track 10-1Data Exploration and Explanation
- Track 10-2Multidimensional
- Track 10-3Hierarchical
Bioinformatics is purifying and inspecting large-scale genomics and other biological datasets to extension biological insights. As such, other phrases are occasionally used as well, such as algorithmic genetics and genomic data science. Data science is a little wider, mostly a broader word whose definition is near to that of bioinformatics without the biological focus clearing and inspecting large-scale datasets to expand insights. And the crucial skills of a data scientist require programming, machine learning, statistics, data quarrelling, data visualization and communication, and data intuition bioinformatics careers is domain specific data processing and quality checking, general data modification and cleansing, applied statistics and machine learning, domain-specific statistical instruments and data visualization and combination, capability to write code, ability to communicate data driven discrimination
- Track 11-1Applied Statistics and Machine Learning
- Track 11-2Computer Programming
- Track 11-3Interpretation of Biological Data